
        If there's one thing that is abundant in life, from the moment we know that we are responsible with our lives, up until our death, for me, that is choices. It's basically infinite. And what's strange and unique about choices are: 1) It impacts us, 2) One choice that we made will impact us on deciding which choice that we're gonna make the next time around.

        For example, imagine yourself back in high school. It is 15 minutes before the first subject starts. The morning sun shines brightly over the class' rooftops, also to each and every single person that just arrived at school, including you. You walk peacefully to your class, you say hi to a couple of teachers and friends, also not forgetting that warm smile that said to be able to give your crush a diabetes. But then, as you walk slowly into the class, you put your bag next to your desk-mate, he calmly said, "Bro, tugasmu Mantan (Matematika Peminatan) uwis rung?"

        Your heart stopped.

        You're shocked.

        Not because you haven't done the homework (not mostly, at least), but, because you know, Mantan is the first subject for today and it'll begin in 12 minutes. Yep, that's right, 12 bloody minutes. Not to mention the teacher in that very particular subject likes to pick students randomly to present their answers in front of the class on the white board.

        You know what's worse? You hate Math. You're terrified of it.

        "Why?" You probably wonder. There's only two words. And it emerges in bold and capslock inside your head.

        YOU SUCK.

        Your spine chills, sweats dropping like bullets from your forehead, and you haven't even sat down. And yet you feel this mix of emotions mixing inside your heart, your brain, your stomach, as you slowly develop a sense of nausea, urging yourself to go to the bathroom as the urge to vomit is getting closer and closer.

        And an idea emerge. A bulb shine above your head.

        "What if I make 'going to the bathroom because of nausea' my excuse so that I can copy your task in the bathroom, and I'll go back to the class as soon as I'm done?"

        "That's not a bad idea after all!" said the everything-is-permitted-to-get-the-job-done side of yourself. But then, your conscience replied, "Yo, wtf, you said integrity is numero uno."

        This debate sparks. A debate that happens inside yourself. A debate that only you yourself can decide, on which side are you letting go of the victory to.

        This type of occurrence happens not only once or twice in our lives. It happens over and over again. Different occasions, but same type. And what's funny is that the choice that we made on the first time that we were exposed to such occasions, will affect how we make the next decision on the next similar events.

        If we chose to let go of our integrity, most likely we will also do the same in the next occasion, and if we chose to uphold the integrity, face hardships dead in the eye, most likely we will do the same in the next occasion, therefore building yourself something that only few people will develop, it is called a character.

        May we are blessed with the ability to make the right decision every time the situation present itself.



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