Post - Hiatus


Hi guys, it's been such a long time since the last time I wrote here. I'm aware of that and I hate to see my very own personal site is inactive for such a long time. Oh and since I wrote in my Introductory that I am bilingual, I'm gonna write this post fully in English.

Little bit of disclaimer though, I'm not professional in any way, I just happen to be able to speak it and write it to some extent. I do aware the possibility of grammatical errors and such, and I hope, if you find any in this post or future posts, you'll be kind enough to point that out to me so I can learn and try to not make the same mistakes again in the future. For that, I say thank you, and I can't thank you enough.

First of all, I'd like to apologize for the absence all these times, it's been a really long time, I know. And I'm sorry. A lot of things have happened for around the last 3 months, and the activity that took my time the most was the preparation for SBMPTN that took place on July 9th. Now, I'm proud to say that I've prepared it well, I've done my best as well, and I hope it'll lead to a wonderful and best result on the announcement this August. Hopefully, I pass the exam, and I'm able to be accepted to Universitas Gadjah Mada, majoring in Psychology. I also wish you guys who took the SBMPTN test the very best, I hope on 14th of August we can all be accepted to our favorite universities, so that we can all be wearing the distinct almamater jacket from our very own universities, very soon. Ameen.

I have been on hiatus for quite a long time. How long you might ask, since April 24th. I'm pretty sure you can know how long it is from that date. I know I shouldn't supposed to do that, but I was really busy with other things that made me unable to focus on this blog.

One of the other things beside SBMPTN preparation that worth mentioning is in early August, this month, on 3rd. I was taking a test for Polytechnic of Immigration. So it is a government institute that train and educate cadets to be an immigration officer. The duration for the study is around 4 years, and the best part, is that cadets do not have to pay a single penny because it is financially supported by the government. From pocket money, uniforms, foods, the study itself, basically any facility that is required for us to survive during those 4 years time of study. And that's why thousands of us are signing up for it. And for the test itself, it was a Basic Competence Test, we have to answer multiple choices questions using computer and we were obliged to wear black pants and white shirt, tucked in. For the documents, we have to prepare ourselves with IDs and the test card that we should print days prior to the test. Oh and we were not allowed to take the test if we didn't use mask, so mask was obligatory as well. It may sounds formal and stuff, but for me, it was an amazing experience. Now, it is over, and I'm still waiting for the result, hopefully I can pass to the next stage of the test.

By that being said, I think that's it for the reasons of why I was unable to focus on this blog a few months back. I was not planning to do that again, in fact, I hope that I can be more present here writings stuffs and eventually become something. A writer? Maybe. A journalist? I don't know, probably. Just a guy who love to write and share something? Ah I love that guy, but I'm not planning to do that forever.

By the way, please, do let me know if you want to know more, in any part of these story. I'd be more than happy to tell you.

Bottom line is, for now, there are still many windows of topics that I'm still able to explore. This blog also doesn't limit on what's inside it. The tagline of this blog, it translates into, ''All about stories, opinions, or just a flash of inspiration.'' And that means anything you want it to be. So don't be shy to comment! Please, let me know which part you'd love to know more. Or you can also comment to give me an insight of what I should write in future posts. If you're a little bit of a shy person and want to share something but you don't want anybody to know but me and you, you can follow me on Instagram @suryadarmaziz and Twitter @soeryadarmaa_ and who knows, we can share a lot of interesting topics. You don't have to use English by the way, Bahasa Indonesia, or even Javanese is fine for me. But if you're using English, ooh, you're definitely gonna catch my attention.

Well, I guess that's it for now, I hope it explains the reasons of my absence a few months back. I really appreciate you for stopping by and I'm looking forward to meeting you next time. Have a good day!



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