

I gaze myself deeply, from the reflection that exists, created by the tirelessly-working computer screen, a thing, a device, a work-buddy, that now I can’t let go of. Every single file of assignment, every single orb of image that represents this strange yet mysterious thing called memories, every single file of job application, that only a few of them can have the opportunity to spark some joy and smile in myself -because at least they responded-, and a device that I always rely on to do my daily routine as a college student, with every single link of online classes, meetings and websites, that I steadfastly visit every weekdays, or well, at least I try to.             It came to my immediate attention ever since the early times of the pandemic that, “Well, now everything needs to go online for a while, at least up until the pandemic ends”. Now, even after 1+ year since March 2020 when it first came to Indonesia, with the addition of absolutely no clearance of when will this pandemi


          If there's one thing that is abundant in life, from the moment we know that we are responsible with our lives, up until our death, for me, that is choices. It's basically infinite. And what's strange and unique about choices are: 1) It impacts us, 2) One choice that we made will impact us on deciding which choice that we're gonna make the next time around.          For example, imagine yourself back in high school. It is 15 minutes before the first subject starts. The morning sun shines brightly over the class' rooftops, also to each and every single person that just arrived at school, including you. You walk peacefully to your class, you say hi to a couple of teachers and friends, also not forgetting that warm smile that said to be able to give your crush a diabetes. But then, as you walk slowly into the class, you put your bag next to your desk-mate, he calmly said, "Bro, tugasmu Mantan (Matematika Peminatan) uwis rung?"          Your heart sto

Tahun Kembar

     Okay.      Kembali lagi kita ke dalam suatu masa, dimana orang-orang akan berselebrasi mengenai akhirnya masa revolusi bumi.      It's gonna be a whole new day tomorrow.       And I think it would be wise to look back a little, revisit what I've experienced, and by that, what I've learned during this extremely special "Twin Year" of 2020.      This year started when I was on the second semester of XII grade. I was busy preparing myself for the countless examinations that any XII graders would have to do, Pra UN I, Pra UN II, Pra UN III, Try Out I, Try Out II, and Ujian Sekolah. Aside from that, I also have to prepare myself for college, I got SNMPTN, with all its documents, requirements, etc, and since I didn't pass on that selection, it means I also got the SBMPTN test as well.     It all went fun and games, life as usual, haha-hihi, hang out here and there, life was good.      Until,      .. the third week of March.       Yep. We got home schooled due

Rasa Lelah

  Jika dipikir-pikir, dengan situasi sekarang, dimana masih menjadi mahasiswa semester 1, dengan segala adaptasi yang terjadi, dengan segala tugas yang nampaknya tak henti-henti, dengan penatnya kuliah secara daring, memang rasanya lelah. Mata rasanya sayu karena terlalu lama menatap layar. Begitu juga dengan otak, rasanya jenuh, hari-hari dipenuhi keperluan akademis yang nampaknya tak kunjung henti, bahkan hanya untuk sekedar berteduh, mengambil jarak dari riuhnya hari. Laptop? Semoga kau bertahan lama ya, aku tau aku sudah menggunakanmu melebihi batas wajarmu, apalagi dengan melepas bateraimu dan langsung menghubungkanmu dengan sumber listrik di kamarku. Agak berlebihan memang, aku tau. Namun tenang, hanya setengah semester lagi aku berlaku demikian padamu. Selebihnya, semoga semesta segera membaik, agar aku dan kamu bisa melaksanakan kegiatan seperti hari-hari sebelumnya. Namun, terlepas dari semua hiruk pikuk yang aku rasa, terlepas dari semua lelah yang menurutku


  Apa kabar kalian di bulan September ini? Semoga tetap diberi rahmat oleh Tuhan, diberi nikmat sehat, dan diberi kelancaran dalam apapun kegiatan kalian saat ini. Tak terasa, sudah bulan September saja. Itu berarti sudah kurang lebih dua minggu semenjak terakhir kali aku menulis disini. Aku yakin, dalam kurun waktu tersebut, banyak sekali yang terjadi, terutama untuk pejuang PTN 2020. Ada yang diliputi rasa kebahagiaan karena lolos di PTN impian, ada yang harus menahan tangis kesedihan karena harus mencoba lagi tahun depan, dan ada yang masih harus bersabar menunggu yang terbaik yang takdir Tuhan berikan. Teruntuk yang sudah lolos, baik di pilihan pertama maupun kedua, aku ucapkan selamat! Kalian adalah 23,87% terbaik yang beruntung bisa lolos dari total 702.420 peserta SBMPTN se-Indonesia kemarin. Baik di pilihan pertama atau kedua, saya kira semuanya patut disyukuri dan diapresiasi, karena di pilihan manapun kalian berada, kalian sudah membuktikan bahwa kalian mampu bersaing


  Jadi hari ini adalah H-1 pengumuman SBMPTN 2020, dan disinilah aku, enjoy di kamar, nunggu pengumuman dengan penuh harapan, tanpa ada was-was sedikit pun. Pengennya. Pengennya sih gitu, ngomong dengan bangga bahwa itu yang bener-bener aku rasain. Tapi nyatanya? Nervous. Yes, I am nervous. Yes, I am concerned for tomorrow's result. And I think it's fine. It's completely normal. Buat kalian yang kebetulan juga ngerasain hal yang sama, well, here I am. Lagi ngalamin hal yang sama persis kaya yang lagi kalian rasain. Jadi jangan berpikir kalo kalian sendiri. Seenggaknya ada aku disini yang juga ngalamin hal itu. Siapa sih yang ga kepikiran sama hasilnya. Hasil dari tes yang bakal nentuin masa depan kita, yang juga bakal nentuin bisa ato engganya kita meraih apa yang kita perjuangin selama ini. Terus kalo ternyata gagal? Buat ngikutin ujian yang sama, sayangnya harus nunggu taun depan. Emang sih ada jalur mandiri, PTS, dll yang bisa kita coba. Tapi, jika keb

Post - Hiatus

  Hi guys, it's been such a long time since the last time I wrote here. I'm aware of that and I hate to see my very own personal site is inactive for such a long time. Oh and since I wrote in my Introductory that I am bilingual, I'm gonna write this post fully in English. Little bit of disclaimer though, I'm not professional in any way, I just happen to be able to speak it and write it to some extent. I do aware the possibility of grammatical errors and such, and I hope, if you find any in this post or future posts, you'll be kind enough to point that out to me so I can learn and try to not make the same mistakes again in the future. For that, I say thank you, and I can't thank you enough. First of all, I'd like to apologize for the absence all these times, it's been a really long time, I know. And I'm sorry. A lot of things have happened for around the last 3 months, and the activity that took my time the most was the preparation for SBMPTN